All about synapses and connections in NEST¶
Guides on using synapses in NEST¶
List of synapse models
bernoulli_synapse – Static synapse with stochastic transmission
clopath_synapse – Synapse type for voltage-based STDP after Clopath
eprop_synapse_bsshslm_2020 – Synapse type for e-prop plasticity
ht_synapse – Synapse with depression after Hill & Tononi (2005)
jonke_synapse – Synapse type for spike-timing dependent plasticity with additional additive factors.
quantal_stp_synapse – Probabilistic synapse model with short term plasticity
rate_connection_delayed – Synapse type for rate connections with delay
rate_connection_instantaneous – Synapse type for instantaneous rate connections
sic_connection – Synapse type for astrocyte-neuron connections
static_synapse_hom_w – Synapse type for static connections with homogeneous weight
stdp_dopamine_synapse – Synapse type for dopamine-modulated spike-timing dependent plasticity
stdp_pl_synapse_hom – Synapse type for spike-timing dependent plasticity with power law
stdp_synapse – Synapse type for spike-timing dependent plasticity
stdp_synapse_hom – Synapse type for spike-timing dependent plasticity using homogeneous parameters
stdp_triplet_synapse – Synapse type with spike-timing dependent plasticity (triplets)
tsodyks_synapse_hom – Synapse type with short term plasticity using homogeneous parameters
urbanczik_synapse – Synapse type for a plastic synapse after Urbanczik and Senn
Naming conventions for synapse models¶
Synapse models include the word synapse or connection as the last word in the model name.
Synapse models may begin with the author name (e.g., clopath_synapse
) or process (e.g., stdp_synapse