PyNEST EI-clustered network: Helper FunctionsΒΆ

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Helper functions to calculate synaptic weights to construct random balanced networks and plot raster plot with color groups.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def postsynaptic_current_to_potential(tau_m, tau_syn, c_m=1.0, e_l=0.0):
    """Maximum post-synaptic potential amplitude
    for exponential synapses and a synaptic efficacy J of 1 pA.

    tau_m: float
        Membrane time constant [ms]
    tau_syn: float
        Synapse time constant  [ms]
    c_m: float (optional)
        Membrane capacity [pF] (default: 1.0)
    e_l: float (optional)
        Resting potential [mV] (default: 0.0)

        maximum psp amplitude (for a 1 pA current spike) [mV]
    # time of maximum deflection of the psp  [ms]
    tmax = np.log(tau_syn / tau_m) / (1 / tau_m - 1 / tau_syn)
    # we assume here the current spike is 1 pA, otherwise [mV/pA]
    pre = tau_m * tau_syn / c_m / (tau_syn - tau_m)
    return (e_l - pre) * np.exp(-tmax / tau_m) + pre * np.exp(-tmax / tau_syn)

def calculate_RBN_weights(params):
    """Calculate synaptic weights for a random balanced network.

    The synaptic weights are calculated according to the method
    described in Eqs. 7-10 [1]_.

    .. [1] Rostami V, Rost T, Riehle A, van Albada SJ and Nawrot MP. 2020.
        Excitatory and inhibitory motor cortical clusters account for balance,
        variability, and task performance. bioRxiv 2020.02.27.968339.
        DOI: `10.1101/2020.02.27.968339

    params: dict
        Dictionary of network parameters

        synaptic weights 2x2 matrix [[EE, EI], [IE, II]]

    N_E = params.get("N_E")  # excitatory units
    N_I = params.get("N_I")  # inhibitory units
    N = N_E + N_I  # total units

    E_L = params.get("E_L")
    V_th_E = params.get("V_th_E")  # threshold voltage
    V_th_I = params.get("V_th_I")

    tau_E = params.get("tau_E")
    tau_I = params.get("tau_I")

    tau_syn_ex = params.get("tau_syn_ex")
    tau_syn_in = params.get("tau_syn_in")

    gei = params.get("gei")
    gii = params.get("gii")
    gie = params.get("gie")

    amp_EE = postsynaptic_current_to_potential(tau_E, tau_syn_ex)
    amp_EI = postsynaptic_current_to_potential(tau_E, tau_syn_in)
    amp_IE = postsynaptic_current_to_potential(tau_I, tau_syn_ex)
    amp_II = postsynaptic_current_to_potential(tau_I, tau_syn_in)

    baseline_conn_prob = params.get("baseline_conn_prob")  # connection probs

    js = np.zeros((2, 2))
    K_EE = N_E * baseline_conn_prob[0, 0]
    js[0, 0] = (V_th_E - E_L) * (K_EE**-0.5) * N**0.5 / amp_EE
    js[0, 1] = -gei * js[0, 0] * baseline_conn_prob[0, 0] * N_E * amp_EE / (baseline_conn_prob[0, 1] * N_I * amp_EI)
    K_IE = N_E * baseline_conn_prob[1, 0]
    js[1, 0] = gie * (V_th_I - E_L) * (K_IE**-0.5) * N**0.5 / amp_IE
    js[1, 1] = -gii * js[1, 0] * baseline_conn_prob[1, 0] * N_E * amp_IE / (baseline_conn_prob[1, 1] * N_I * amp_II)
    return js

def rheobase_current(tau_m, e_l, v_th, c_m):
    """Rheobase current for membrane time constant and resting potential.

    tau_m: float
        Membrane time constant [ms]
    e_l: float
        Resting potential [mV]
    v_th: float
        Threshold potential [mV]
    c_m: float
        Membrane capacity [pF]

        rheobase current [pA]
    return (v_th - e_l) * c_m / tau_m

def raster_plot(spiketimes, tlim=None, colorgroups=None, ax=None, markersize=0.5):
    """Raster plot of spiketimes.

    Plots raster plot of spiketimes withing given time limits and
    colors neurons according to colorgroups.

    spiketimes: ndarray
        2D array [2xN_Spikes]
        of spiketimes with spiketimes in row 0 and neuron IDs in row 1.
    tlim: list of floats (optional)
        Time limits of plot: [tmin, tmax],
        if None: [min(spiketimes), max(spiketimes)]
    colorgroups: list of tuples (optional)
        Each element is a tuple in the format
        (color, start_neuron_ID, stop_neuron_ID]) for coloring neurons in
        given range, if None is given all neurons are black.
    ax: axis object (optional)
        If None a new figure is created,
        else the plot is added to the given axis.
    markersize: float (optional)
        Size of markers. (default: 0.5)

    axis object
        Axis object with raster plot.
    if ax is None:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    if tlim is None:
        tlim = [min(spiketimes[0]), max(spiketimes[0])]
    if colorgroups is None:
        colorgroups = [("k", 0, max(spiketimes[1]))]
    for color, start, stop in colorgroups:
            spiketimes[0][np.logical_and(spiketimes[1] >= start, spiketimes[1] < stop)],
            spiketimes[1][np.logical_and(spiketimes[1] >= start, spiketimes[1] < stop)],
    ax.set_ylim([0, max(spiketimes[1])])
    ax.set_xlabel("Time [ms]")
    ax.set_ylabel("Neuron ID")
    return ax

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