Required development tools

Here, we list required tools for NEST development and explain their usage. The tools are mostly for formatting your code. Before you get started, please take a look at our detailed guidelines for C++ coding in NEST.

Development environment

We have provided an environment.yml file that contains all packages to do development in NEST, including the tools listed below.

See our instructions on installing NEST from source.



We use pre-commit to run Git hooks on every commit to identify simple issues such as trailing whitespace or not complying with the required formatting. Our pre-commit configuration is specified in the .pre-commit-config.yaml file.

To set up the Git hook scripts specified in .pre-commit-config.yaml, run

pre-commit install


If pre-commit identifies formatting issues in the commited code, the pre-commit Git hooks will reformat the code. If code is reformatted, it will show up in your unstaged changes. Stage them and recommit to successfully commit your code.


We enforce PEP8 formatting of Python code by using the uncompromising Black formatter.

Black is run automatically with pre-commit.

Run Black manually with

black .


We use isort to sort imports in Python code.

isort is run automatically with pre-commit.

Run isort manually with

isort --profile=black --thirdparty="nest" .


We use clang-format to format C/C++ code. Our clang-format configuration is specified in the .clang-format file.

clang-format is run automatically with pre-commit.

We supply the build_support/ shell script to run clang-format manually:

./build_support/ [start folder, defaults to '$PWD']


We use clang-format version 17.0.4 in our CI. If your clang-format executable is not version 17, you need to specify an executable with version 17.0.4 explicitly with the –clang-format option to ensure consistency with the NEST CI.

Local static analysis

We have several static code analyzers in the GitHub Actions CI. To run static code checks locally, please refer to the “run” lines in the GitHub Actions CI definition at