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Mean-field theory for random balanced network¶
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This script performs a mean-field analysis of the spiking network of
excitatory and an inhibitory population of leaky-integrate-and-fire neurons
simulated in
. We refer to this spiking network of LIF
neurons with ‘SLIFN’.
The self-consistent equation for the population-averaged firing rates (eq.27 in [1], [2]) is solved by integrating a pseudo-time dynamics (eq.30 in [1]). The latter constitutes a network of rate neurons, which is simulated here. The asymptotic rates, i.e., the fixed points of the dynamics (eq.30), are the prediction for the population and time-averaged from the spiking simulation.
import nest
import numpy
Assigning the simulation parameters to variables.
dt = 0.1 # the resolution in ms
simtime = 50.0 # Simulation time in ms
Definition of the network parameters in the SLIFN
g = 5.0 # ratio inhibitory weight/excitatory weight
eta = 2.0 # external rate relative to threshold rate
epsilon = 0.1 # connection probability
Definition of the number of neurons and connections in the SLIFN, needed for the connection strength in the Siegert neuron network
order = 2500
NE = 4 * order # number of excitatory neurons
NI = 1 * order # number of inhibitory neurons
CE = int(epsilon * NE) # number of excitatory synapses per neuron
CI = int(epsilon * NI) # number of inhibitory synapses per neuron
C_tot = int(CI + CE) # total number of synapses per neuron
Initialization of the parameters of the Siegert neuron and the connection strength. The parameter are equivalent to the LIF-neurons in the SLIFN.
tauMem = 20.0 # time constant of membrane potential in ms
theta = 20.0 # membrane threshold potential in mV
neuron_params = {
"tau_m": tauMem,
"t_ref": 2.0,
"theta": theta,
"V_reset": 0.0,
J = 0.1 # postsynaptic amplitude in mV in the SLIFN
J_ex = J # amplitude of excitatory postsynaptic potential
J_in = -g * J_ex # amplitude of inhibitory postsynaptic potential
# drift_factor in diffusion connections (see [1], eq. 28) for external
# drive, excitatory and inhibitory neurons
drift_factor_ext = tauMem * 1e-3 * J_ex
drift_factor_ex = tauMem * 1e-3 * CE * J_ex
drift_factor_in = tauMem * 1e-3 * CI * J_in
# diffusion_factor for diffusion connections (see [1], eq. 29)
diffusion_factor_ext = tauMem * 1e-3 * J_ex**2
diffusion_factor_ex = tauMem * 1e-3 * CE * J_ex**2
diffusion_factor_in = tauMem * 1e-3 * CI * J_in**2
External drive, this is equivalent to the drive in the SLIFN
nu_th = theta / (J * CE * tauMem)
nu_ex = eta * nu_th
p_rate = 1000.0 * nu_ex * CE
Configuration of the simulation kernel by the previously defined time
resolution used in the simulation. Setting print_time
to True prints the
already processed simulation time as well as its percentage of the total
simulation time.
nest.resolution = dt
nest.print_time = True
nest.overwrite_files = True
print("Building network")
Creation of the nodes using Create
. One rate neuron represents the
excitatory population of LIF-neurons in the SLIFN and one the inhibitory
population assuming homogeneity of the populations.
siegert_ex = nest.Create("siegert_neuron", params=neuron_params)
siegert_in = nest.Create("siegert_neuron", params=neuron_params)
The Poisson drive in the SLIFN is replaced by a driving rate neuron,
which does not receive input from other neurons. The activity of the rate
neuron is controlled by setting mean
to the rate of the corresponding
poisson generator in the SLIFN.
siegert_drive = nest.Create("siegert_neuron", params={"mean": p_rate})
To record from the rate neurons a multimeter is created and the parameter
is set to rate as well as the recording interval to dt
multimeter = nest.Create("multimeter", params={"record_from": ["rate"], "interval": dt})
Connections between Siegert neurons
are realized with the synapse model
. These two parameters reflect the prefactors in
front of the rate variable in eq. 27-29 in [1].
Connections originating from the driving neuron
syn_dict = {
"drift_factor": drift_factor_ext,
"diffusion_factor": diffusion_factor_ext,
"synapse_model": "diffusion_connection",
nest.Connect(siegert_drive, siegert_ex + siegert_in, "all_to_all", syn_dict)
nest.Connect(multimeter, siegert_ex + siegert_in)
Connections originating from the excitatory neuron
syn_dict = {
"drift_factor": drift_factor_ex,
"diffusion_factor": diffusion_factor_ex,
"synapse_model": "diffusion_connection",
nest.Connect(siegert_ex, siegert_ex + siegert_in, "all_to_all", syn_dict)
Connections originating from the inhibitory neuron
syn_dict = {
"drift_factor": drift_factor_in,
"diffusion_factor": diffusion_factor_in,
"synapse_model": "diffusion_connection",
nest.Connect(siegert_in, siegert_ex + siegert_in, "all_to_all", syn_dict)
Simulate the network
Analyze the activity data. The asymptotic rate of the Siegert neuron
corresponds to the population- and time-averaged activity in the SLIFN.
For the symmetric network setup used here, the excitatory and inhibitory
rates are identical. For comparison execute the example
data =
rates_ex = data["rate"][numpy.where(data["senders"] == siegert_ex.global_id)]
rates_in = data["rate"][numpy.where(data["senders"] == siegert_in.global_id)]
times = data["times"][numpy.where(data["senders"] == siegert_in.global_id)]
print(f"Excitatory rate : {rates_ex[-1]:.2f} Hz")
print(f"Inhibitory rate : {rates_in[-1]:.2f} Hz")