.. _docker: |macos| |linux| |windows| Docker -------------------------------- Docker provides an isolated container to run applications. 1. If you do not have Docker installed, follow the Docker installation instructions for your system here: https://docs.docker.com/install/. If you are using **Linux**, we **strongly recommend** you also create a Docker group to manage Docker as a non-root user. See instructions on the Docker website: https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/linux-postinstall/ 2. Create a directory or change into a directory that you want to use for your project. .. code-block:: bash mkdir my_nest_scripts cd my_nest_scripts Usage You can use the docker images directly out of docker-registry.ebrains.eu like this: .. code-block:: bash docker pull docker-registry.ebrains.eu/nest/nest-simulator:TAG ``TAG`` can be a version of NEST ``2.20.2`` or later. Alternatively, you can use ``dev`` for the development branch (master). NEST 3.2 and later ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As of NEST 3.2, you can use the docker-compose feature. To use 'docker-compose' you need the definition file from the git repository. Download it: .. code-block:: bash wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/steffengraber/nest-docker/master/docker-compose.yml You can then run ``docker-compose up`` with one of the following options: - NEST server .. code-block:: bash docker-compose up nest-server or .. code-block:: bash docker run -it --rm -e NEST_CONTAINER_MODE=nest-server -p 52425:52425 / docker-registry.ebrains.eu/nest/nest-simulator: Starts the NEST API server container and opens the corresponding port 52425. Test it with `curl localhost:52425/api`. See the :ref:`nest_server` documentation for more details. - NEST desktop .. code-block:: bash docker-compose up nest-desktop or .. code-block:: bash docker run -it --rm -e NEST_CONTAINER_MODE=nest-server -p 52425:52425 / docker-registry.ebrains.eu/nest/nest-simulator: docker run -it --rm -e LOCAL_USER_ID=`id -u $USER` -p 8000:8000 / -e NEST_CONTAINER_MODE=nest-desktop docker-registry.ebrains.eu/nest/nest-simulator: Starts the NEST server and the NEST desktop web interface. Port 8000 is also made available. Open NEST Desktop in the web browser using the following http link: `http://localhost:8000` Visit the :doc:`NEST Desktop ` documentation to learn more. - Jupyter notebook with NEST .. code-block:: bash docker-compose up nest-notebook or .. code-block:: bash docker run -it --rm -e LOCAL_USER_ID=`id -u $USER` -v $(pwd):/opt/data -e NEST_CONTAINER_MODE=notebook / -p 8080:8080 docker-registry.ebrains.eu/nest/nest-simulator: Starts a notebook server with pre-installed NEST. The corresponding URL is displayed in the console. You can copy an d paste into your browser. - Jupyter lab with NEST .. code-block:: bash docker-compose up nest-jupyterlab or .. code-block:: bash docker run -it --rm -e LOCAL_USER_ID=`id -u $USER` -v $(pwd):/opt/data -e NEST_CONTAINER_MODE=jupyterlab / -p 8080:8080 docker-registry.ebrains.eu/nest/nest-simulator:) Starts a Jupyter lab server with pre-installed NEST. The corresponding URL is displayed in the console. Copy and paste the URL into your browser. To stop and delete running containers use `docker-compose down`. To run NEST 2.20.2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Jupyter notebook with NEST 2.20.2: .. code-block:: bash docker run -it --rm -e LOCAL_USER_ID=`id -u $USER` -v $(pwd):/opt/data -e NEST_CONTAINER_MODE=notebook / -p 8080:8080 docker-registry.ebrains.eu/nest/nest-simulator:2.20.2 Jupyter lab with NEST 2.20.2 .. code-block:: bash docker run -it --rm -e LOCAL_USER_ID=`id -u $USER` -v $(pwd):/opt/data -e NEST_CONTAINER_MODE=jupyterlab / -p 8080:8080 docker-registry.ebrains.eu/nest/nest-simulator:2.20.2 NEST dev ^^^^^^^^ If you want to use the compose configuration for the ``dev`` NEST version, you can use the following file option: .. code-block:: bash wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/steffengraber/nest-docker/master/docker-compose.yml docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up nest-notebook On Windows ^^^^^^^^^^ .. note:: The following commands should work on Windows. Please note that NEST does not officially support Windows! .. code-block:: bash docker run -it --rm -v %cd%:/opt/data -p 8080:8080 -e NEST_CONTAINER_MODE= / docker-registry.ebrains.eu/nest/nest-simulator: In Powershell, '%cd%' might not work for the current directory. Then you should explicitly specify a folder with existing write permissions. In any case, this will download the docker image with the pre-installed NEST master from docker-registry.ebrains.eu and start it. After booting an URL is presented. Click on it or copy it to your browser. Voilá Jupyter notebook starts from the docker image. You can update the image with: .. code-block:: bash docker pull docker-registry.ebrains.eu/nest/nest-simulator: For more information, you can checkout the `nest-docker repository `_ .. |linux| image:: ../static/img/linux.png :scale: 15% .. |macos| image:: ../static/img/macos.png :scale: 15% .. |windows| image:: ../static/img/windows.png :scale: 15%