.. _userdoc_workflow: User-level documentation workflow ################################# What you need to know +++++++++++++++++++++ We use `Sphinx `_ to generate documentation and `Read the Docs `_ to publish it. Sphinx uses reStructuredText as the base format for the documentation. To learn more about the syntax, check out this `quick reference `_. The NEST Simulator documentation lives alongside its code. It is contained in the ``doc/htmldoc`` directory within the `NEST source code repository `_ on GitHub. We work with `GitHub `_ as a web-based hosting service for Git. Git allows us to keep our versions under control, with each release of NEST having its own documentation. This workflow aims for the concept of **user-correctable documentation**. .. image:: ../../../static/img/documentation_workflow.png :width: 500 :alt: Alternative text .. note:: This workflow shows you how to create **user-level documentation** for NEST. For the **developer documentation**, please refer to our :ref:`Developer documentation workflow `. Changing the documentation ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you notice any errors or weaknesses in the documentation, please submit an `Issue `_ in our GitHub repository. You can also make changes directly to your forked copy of the `NEST source code repository `_ and create a `pull request `_. Just follow the workflow below! Setting up your environment +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We recommend that you set up a full NEST developer environment using Conda (for details on Conda, see :ref:`conda_tips`): .. code-block:: bash cd / conda env create -p conda/ conda activate conda/ If you later on want to deactivate or delete the build environment: .. code-block:: bash conda deactivate rm -rf conda/ If you want to install only a minimal set of packages for building the documentation and avoid using Conda, you can use pip: .. code-block:: bash pip3 install -r /doc/requirements.txt If you use pip, install ``pandoc`` from your platform's package manager (e.g. apt): .. code-block:: bash sudo apt-get install pandoc Generating documentation with Sphinx ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now that you activated your environment, you can generate HTML files using Sphinx. Rendering HTML ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can build and preview the documentation locally by running the following commands. 1. Go to the :ref:`build directory ` of NEST: .. code-block:: bash cd nest-simulator-x.y.z-build 2. Add `-Dwith-userdoc=ON` to your regular CMake command: .. code-block:: bash cmake -Dwith-userdoc=ON 3. Build the docs: .. code-block:: bash make docs 4. Preview files. They are located in ``doc/htmldoc/_build/html`` .. code-block:: bash browser doc/htmldoc/_build/html/index.html .. note:: If you are planning to install NEST, ``make docs`` is included in ``make install`` as long as you toggle on the userdoc or devdoc After installation the files are located in ``/share/doc/nest/html/index.html`` Editing and creating pages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To edit existing `reStructuredText `_ files or to create new ones, follow the steps below: 1. You can edit and/or add ``.rst`` files in the ``doc/htmldoc`` directory using your editor of choice. 2. If you create a new page, open ``index.rst`` in the ``doc/htmldoc`` directory and add the file name under ``.. toctree::``. This will ensure it appears on the NEST Simulator documentation's table of contents. 3. If you rename or move a file, please make sure you update all the corresponding cross-references. 4. Save your changes. 5. Re-render documentation as described above. .. note:: Please see our :ref:`documentation style guide ` for information on how to write good documentation in the NEST style. Proceed as follows to preview your version of the documentation on Read the Docs. 1. Check that unwanted directories are listed in ``.gitignore``: .. code-block:: bash _build _static _templates 2. Add, commit and push your changes to GitHub. 3. Go to `Read the Docs `_. Sign up for an account if you don't have one. 4. `Import `_ the project. 5. Enter the details of your project in the ``repo`` field and hit ``Create``. 6. `Build `_ your documentation. This allows you to preview your work on your Read the Docs account. In order to see the changes on the official NEST Simulator documentation, please submit a pull request. Creating pull request +++++++++++++++++++++ Once your documentation work is finished, you can create a :ref:`pull request ` to the ``master`` branch of the NEST Source Code Repository. Your pull request will be reviewed by the NEST Documentation Team!