An Introduction to SLI

NEST can be started by typing


at the command prompt. You should then see something like this:

            -- N E S T 2 beta --

  Copyright 1995-2009 The NEST Initiative
   Version 1.9-svn Feb  6 2010 00:33:50

This program is provided AS IS and comes with
NO WARRANTY. See the file LICENSE for details.

Problems or suggestions?
  Website     :
  Mailing list:

Type 'help' to get more information.
Type 'quit' or CTRL-D to quit NEST.

See here for advanced configuration options.

SLI user manual

This manual gives a brief overview of the SLI programming language.

  1. First Steps

  2. Objects and data types

  3. Programming in SLI

  4. Using files and keyboard input

  5. Neural simulations