
This version of the documentation is NOT an official release. You are looking at ‘latest’, which is in active and ongoing development. You can change versions on the bottom left of the screen.

High Performance Computer Systems Installation

Minimal configuration

NEST can be compiled without any external packages; such a configuration may be useful for initial porting to a new supercomputer. However, this implies several restrictions:

  • Some neuron and synapse models will not be available, as they depend on ODE solvers from the GNU Scientific Library.

  • The Python extension will not be available

  • Multi-threading and parallel computing facilities will be disabled.

To configure NEST for compilation without external packages, use the following command:

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=<nest_install_dir> \
      -Dwith-python=OFF \
      -Dwith-gsl=OFF \
      -Dwith-readline=OFF \
      -Dwith-ltdl=OFF \
      -Dwith-openmp=OFF \

See the CMake Options to further adjust settings for your system.

Compiling for BlueGene/Q

NEST provides a cmake tool-chain file for cross compilation for BlueGene/Q. When configuring NEST use the following cmake line:

cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=Platform/BlueGeneQ_XLC \
      -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=<nest_install_dir> \
      -Dwith-python=OFF \
      -Dstatic-libraries=ON \

If you compile dynamically, be aware that the BlueGene/Q system might not provide an ltdl library. If you want to dynamically load an external user module, you have to compile and install an ltdl yourself and add -Dwith-ltdl=<ltdl-install-dir> to the cmake line. Otherwise add -Dwith-ltdl=OFF.

Additionally, the design of cmake’s MPI handling has a broken design, which is brittle in the case of BGQ and certain libraries (flags to use SIONlib, for example).

If you run into that, you must force cmake to use the wrappers rather than it’s attempts to extract the proper flags for the underlying compiler as in:


BlueGene/Q and PyNEST

Building PyNEST on BlueGene/Q requires you to compile dynamically, i.e. -Dstatic-libraries=OFF. Furthermore, you have to cythonize the pynest/pynestkernel.pyx/.pyx on a machine with Cython installed:

cythonize pynestkernel.pyx

Copy the generated file pynestkernel.cpp into </path/to/NEST/src>/pynest on BlueGene/Q.

CMake <3.4 is buggy when it comes to finding the matching libraries (for many years). Thus, you also have to specify PYTHON_LIBRARY and PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR if they are not found OR the incorrect libraries are found, e.g.:


A complete cmake line for PyNEST could look like this:

module load gsl

cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=Platform/BlueGeneQ_XLC \
  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<nest_install_dir> \
  -Dstatic-libraries=OFF \
  -Dcythonize-pynest=OFF \
      -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/comm/xl/bin/mpixlc_r \
      -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/comm/xl/bin/mpixlcxx_r \
      -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/bgsys/local/python3/3.4.2/lib/libpython3.4m.a \
      -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/bgsys/local/python3/3.4.2/include/python3.4m \
  -Dwith-ltdl=OFF \

Furthermore, for running PyNEST, make sure all Python dependencies are installed and environment variables are set properly:

module load python3/3.4.2

# adds PyNEST to the PYTHONPATH
source <nest-install-dir>/bin/nest_vars.sh

# makes HOME and PYTHONPATH available for Python
runjob \
  --exp-env HOME \
  --exp-env PATH \
  --exp-env LD_LIBRARY_PATH \
  --exp-env PYTHONPATH \
  ... \
  : /bgsys/local/python3/3.4.2/bin/python3.4 script.py

BlueGene/Q and GCC

Compiling NEST with GCC (-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=Platform/BlueGeneQ_GCC) might require you to use a GSL library compiled using GCC, otherwise undefined symbols break your build. After the GSL is built with GCC and installed in gsl-install-dir, add -Dwith-gsl=<gsl-install-dir> to the cmake line.

BlueGene/Q and Non-Standard Allocators

To use NEST with non-standard allocators on BlueGene/Q (e.g., tcmalloc), you should compile NEST and the allocator with the same compiler, usually GCC. Since static linking is recommended on BlueGene/Q, the allocator also needs to be linked statically. This requires specifying linker flags and the allocator library as shown in the following example:

cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=Platform/BlueGeneQ_GCC \
      -Dstatic-libraries=ON -Dwith-warning=OFF \
      -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-Wl,--allow-multiple-definition" \

Compiling for Fujitsu Sparc64

On the K Computer:

The preinstalled cmake version is 2.6, which is too old for NEST. Please install a newer version, for example:

wget https://cmake.org/files/v3.4/cmake-3.4.2.tar.gz
tar -xzf cmake-3.4.2.tar.gz
mv cmake-3.4.2 cmake.src
mkdir cmake.build
cd cmake.build
../cmake.src/bootstrap --prefix=$PWD/install --parallel=4
gmake -j4
gmake install

Also you might need a cross compiled GNU Scientific Library (GSL). For GSL 2.1 this is a possible installation scenario:

wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gsl/gsl-2.1.tar.gz
tar -xzf gsl-2.1.tar.gz
mkdir gsl-2.1.build gsl-2.1.install
cd gsl-2.1.build
../gsl-2.1/configure --prefix=$PWD/../gsl-2.1.install/ \
                     CC=mpifccpx \
                     CXX=mpiFCCpx \
                     CFLAGS="-Nnoline" \
                     CXXFLAGS="--alternative_tokens -O3 -Kfast,openmp, -Nnoline, -Nquickdbg -NRtrap" \
                     --host=sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu \
gmake -j4
gmake install

To install NEST, use the following cmake line:

cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=Platform/Fujitsu-Sparc64 \
      -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=<nest_install_dir> \
      -Dwith-gsl=/path/to/gsl-2.1.install/ \
      -Dwith-optimize="-Kfast" \
      -Dwith-defines="-DUSE_PMA" \
      -Dwith-python=OFF \
      -Dwith-warning=OFF \
make -j4
make install

The compilation can take quite some time compiling the file models/modelsmodule.cpp due to generation of many template classes. To speed up the process, you can comment out all synapse models you do not need. The option -Kfast on the K computer enables many different options:

-O3 -Kdalign,eval,fast_matmul,fp_contract,fp_relaxed,ilfunc,lib,mfunc,ns,omitfp,prefetch_conditional,rdconv -x-

Be aware that, with the option -Kfast an internal compiler error - probably an out of memory situation - can occur. One solution is to disable synapse models that you don’t use in models/modelsmodule.cpp. From current observations this might be related to the -x- option; you can give it a fixed value, e.g -x1, and the compilation succeeds (the impact on performance was not analyzed):

-Dwith-optimize="-Kfast -x1"