Pynest microcircuit parametersΒΆ

Network parameters for the microcircuit.

Hendrik Rothe, Hannah Bos, Sacha van Albada; May 2016

import numpy as np

def get_mean_delays(mean_delay_exc, mean_delay_inh, number_of_pop):
    """ Creates matrix containing the delay of all connections.

        Delay of the excitatory connections.
        Delay of the inhibitory connections.
        Number of populations.

        Matrix specifying the mean delay of all connections.


    dim = number_of_pop
    mean_delays = np.zeros((dim, dim))
    mean_delays[:, 0:dim:2] = mean_delay_exc
    mean_delays[:, 1:dim:2] = mean_delay_inh
    return mean_delays

def get_std_delays(std_delay_exc, std_delay_inh, number_of_pop):
    """ Creates matrix containing the standard deviations of all delays.

        Standard deviation of excitatory delays.
        Standard deviation of inhibitory delays.
        Number of populations in the microcircuit.

        Matrix specifying the standard deviation of all delays.


    dim = number_of_pop
    std_delays = np.zeros((dim, dim))
    std_delays[:, 0:dim:2] = std_delay_exc
    std_delays[:, 1:dim:2] = std_delay_inh
    return std_delays

def get_mean_PSP_matrix(PSP_e, g, number_of_pop):
    """ Creates a matrix of the mean evoked postsynaptic potential.

    The function creates a matrix of the mean evoked postsynaptic
    potentials between the recurrent connections of the microcircuit.
    The weight of the connection from L4E to L23E is doubled.

        Mean evoked potential.
        Relative strength of the inhibitory to excitatory connection.
        Number of populations in the microcircuit.

        Matrix of the weights for the recurrent connections.

    dim = number_of_pop
    weights = np.zeros((dim, dim))
    exc = PSP_e
    inh = PSP_e * g
    weights[:, 0:dim:2] = exc
    weights[:, 1:dim:2] = inh
    weights[0, 2] = exc * 2
    return weights

def get_std_PSP_matrix(PSP_rel, number_of_pop):
    """ Relative standard deviation matrix of postsynaptic potential created.

    The relative standard deviation matrix of the evoked postsynaptic potential
    for the recurrent connections of the microcircuit is created.

        Relative standard deviation of the evoked postsynaptic potential.
        Number of populations in the microcircuit.

        Matrix of the standard deviation of postsynaptic potentials.

    dim = number_of_pop
    std_mat = np.zeros((dim, dim))
    std_mat[:, :] = PSP_rel
    return std_mat

net_dict = {
    # Neuron model.
    'neuron_model': 'iaf_psc_exp',
    # The default recording device is the spike_detector. If you also
    # want to record the membrane potentials of the neurons, add
    # 'voltmeter' to the list.
    'rec_dev': ['spike_detector'],
    # Names of the simulated populations.
    'populations': ['L23E', 'L23I', 'L4E', 'L4I', 'L5E', 'L5I', 'L6E', 'L6I'],
    # Number of neurons in the different populations. The order of the
    # elements corresponds to the names of the variable 'populations'.
    'N_full': np.array([20683, 5834, 21915, 5479, 4850, 1065, 14395, 2948]),
    # Mean rates of the different populations in the non-scaled version
    # of the microcircuit. Necessary for the scaling of the network.
    # The order corresponds to the order in 'populations'.
        np.array([0.971, 2.868, 4.746, 5.396, 8.142, 9.078, 0.991, 7.523]),
    # Connection probabilities. The first index corresponds to the targets
    # and the second to the sources.
            [[0.1009, 0.1689, 0.0437, 0.0818, 0.0323, 0., 0.0076, 0.],
             [0.1346, 0.1371, 0.0316, 0.0515, 0.0755, 0., 0.0042, 0.],
             [0.0077, 0.0059, 0.0497, 0.135, 0.0067, 0.0003, 0.0453, 0.],
             [0.0691, 0.0029, 0.0794, 0.1597, 0.0033, 0., 0.1057, 0.],
             [0.1004, 0.0622, 0.0505, 0.0057, 0.0831, 0.3726, 0.0204, 0.],
             [0.0548, 0.0269, 0.0257, 0.0022, 0.06, 0.3158, 0.0086, 0.],
             [0.0156, 0.0066, 0.0211, 0.0166, 0.0572, 0.0197, 0.0396, 0.2252],
             [0.0364, 0.001, 0.0034, 0.0005, 0.0277, 0.008, 0.0658, 0.1443]]
    # Number of external connections to the different populations.
    # The order corresponds to the order in 'populations'.
    'K_ext': np.array([1600, 1500, 2100, 1900, 2000, 1900, 2900, 2100]),
    # Factor to scale the indegrees.
    'K_scaling': 0.1,
    # Factor to scale the number of neurons.
    'N_scaling': 0.1,
    # Mean amplitude of excitatory postsynaptic potential (in mV).
    'PSP_e': 0.15,
    # Relative standard deviation of the postsynaptic potential.
    'PSP_sd': 0.1,
    # Relative inhibitory synaptic strength (in relative units).
    'g': -4,
    # Rate of the Poissonian spike generator (in Hz).
    'bg_rate': 8.,
    # Turn Poisson input on or off (True or False).
    'poisson_input': True,
    # Delay of the Poisson generator (in ms).
    'poisson_delay': 1.5,
    # Mean delay of excitatory connections (in ms).
    'mean_delay_exc': 1.5,
    # Mean delay of inhibitory connections (in ms).
    'mean_delay_inh': 0.75,
    # Relative standard deviation of the delay of excitatory and
    # inhibitory connections (in relative units).
    'rel_std_delay': 0.5,
    # Initial conditions for the membrane potential, options are:
    # 'original': uniform mean and std for all populations.
    # 'optimized': population-specific mean and std, allowing a reduction of
    # the initial activity burst in the network.
    # Choose either 'original' or 'optimized'.
    'V0_type': 'original',
    # Parameters of the neurons.
    'neuron_params': {
        # Membrane potential average for the neurons (in mV).
        'V0_mean': {'original': -58.0,
                    'optimized': [-68.28, -63.16, -63.33, -63.45,
                                  -63.11, -61.66, -66.72, -61.43]},
        # Standard deviation of the average membrane potential (in mV).
        'V0_sd': {'original': 10.0,
                  'optimized': [5.36, 4.57, 4.74, 4.94,
                                4.94, 4.55, 5.46, 4.48]},
        # Reset membrane potential of the neurons (in mV).
        'E_L': -65.0,
        # Threshold potential of the neurons (in mV).
        'V_th': -50.0,
        # Membrane potential after a spike (in mV).
        'V_reset': -65.0,
        # Membrane capacitance (in pF).
        'C_m': 250.0,
        # Membrane time constant (in ms).
        'tau_m': 10.0,
        # Time constant of postsynaptic excitatory currents (in ms).
        'tau_syn_ex': 0.5,
        # Time constant of postsynaptic inhibitory currents (in ms).
        'tau_syn_in': 0.5,
        # Time constant of external postsynaptic excitatory current (in ms).
        'tau_syn_E': 0.5,
        # Refractory period of the neurons after a spike (in ms).
        't_ref': 2.0}

updated_dict = {
    # PSP mean matrix.
    'PSP_mean_matrix': get_mean_PSP_matrix(
        net_dict['PSP_e'], net_dict['g'], len(net_dict['populations'])
    # PSP std matrix.
    'PSP_std_matrix': get_std_PSP_matrix(
        net_dict['PSP_sd'], len(net_dict['populations'])
    # mean delay matrix.
    'mean_delay_matrix': get_mean_delays(
        net_dict['mean_delay_exc'], net_dict['mean_delay_inh'],
    # std delay matrix.
    'std_delay_matrix': get_std_delays(
        net_dict['mean_delay_exc'] * net_dict['rel_std_delay'],
        net_dict['mean_delay_inh'] * net_dict['rel_std_delay'],


Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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