.. _condaenv: Install from source in a conda environment ========================================== .. note:: If you encounter problems installing the NEST conda package and environment, we recommend using Mamba (https://mamba.readthedocs.io). Mamba has the advantage of installing conda packages and environments more quickly and can be used as a complete drop-in replacement for conda. * Create a conda environment from the `environment.yml `_ file. We recommend specifying a dedicated location (``-p ``) for your environment. See the `conda documentation `_ on using a custom location rather than the default envs folder. .. code-block:: sh conda env create -f nest-simulator/environment.yml --p conda activate * Create a build directory: .. code-block:: sh mkdir build_dir * Change to the build directory: .. code-block:: sh cd build_dir * Configure NEST. Add the cmake option ``-CDMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=$CONDA_PREFIX`` to link nest to your active conda environment. You may need additional ``cmake`` options (see :ref:`cmake_options`). .. code-block:: sh cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=$CONDA_PREFIX * Compile and install NEST: .. code-block:: sh make make install make installcheck For your convenience, a shell script setting all required environment variables is provided in ``/bin/nest_vars.sh``. Setting the environment variables in your active shell session requires sourcing the script: .. code-block:: sh source /bin/nest_vars.sh .. note:: To build the developer or user documentation see :ref:`doc_workflow`