.. _conda_forge_install: Conda forge install =================== .. admonition:: osx-arm64: missing random number generators Due to a cross-compiling issue in the conda NEST package, some random number generators are not available if you are using macOS arm64 architecture. The available generators are the Mersenne Twister generators `mt19937` and `mt19937_64`. .. note:: If you encounter problems installing the NEST conda package and environment, we recommend using Mamba (https://mamba.readthedocs.io). Mamba has the advantage of installing conda packages and environments more quickly and can be used as a complete drop-in replacement for conda. 1. To keep your conda setup tidy, we recommend that you install NEST into a separate `conda environment `_ together with Python packages that you will use when working with NEST; see also our :ref:`conda_tips`. To install the latest version of NEST in a new environment called ``ENVNAME``, just run .. code-block:: sh conda create --name ENVNAME -c conda-forge nest-simulator To install additional packages into the environment, just list them together with ``nest-simulator``. .. code-block:: sh conda create --name ENVNAME -c conda-forge nest-simulator jupyterlab seaborn #. To see all NEST versions available via conda, either run .. code-block:: sh conda search -c conda-forge nest-simulator or browse the `conda forge file list `_ (note there are multiple pages). To install, e.g., NEST 2.18.0, run .. code-block:: sh conda create --name nest_2_18_0 -c conda-forge nest-simulator=2.18.0=* The syntax for this install follows the pattern: ``nest-simulator==``. #. Activate your environment: .. code-block:: sh conda activate ENVNAME #. Note the following: - We currently provide NEST with thread-based parallelization on conda. This should suffice for most uses on personal computers.