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Random balanced network with astrocytes with Bernoulli connectivity¶
Run this example as a Jupyter notebook:
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This script simulates a random balanced network with excitatory and inhibitory
neurons and astrocytes. The astrocytes are modeled with astrocyte_lr_1994
implemented according to [1], [2], and [3]. The neurons are modeled with
, an adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire neuron
supporting neuron-astrocyte interactions.
The simulation results show how astrocytes affect neuronal excitability. The figures displayed at the end of the simulation show the astrocytic dynamics, the slow inward current induced by the astrocytes in the postsynaptic neurons, and a raster plot of neuronal firings, respectively.
In this version of the model, primary connections between populations are created with the pairwise bernoulli rule.
See Also¶
A small neuron-astrocyte network, Random balanced network with astrocytes with fixed-indegree connectivity
Import all necessary modules for simulation and plotting.
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import nest
import numpy as np
Set simulation parameters.
sim_params = {
"dt": 0.1, # simulation resolution in ms
"sim_time": 1000.0, # simulation time in ms
"N_rec_spk": 100, # number of neurons to record from with spike recorder
"N_rec_mm": 50, # number of nodes (neurons, astrocytes) to record from with multimeter
"n_vp": 4, # number of virtual processes for NEST
"seed": 100, # seed for the random module
Set network parameters.
network_params = {
"N_ex": 8000, # number of excitatory neurons
"N_in": 2000, # number of inhibitory neurons
"N_astro": 10000, # number of astrocytes
"p_primary": 0.1, # connection probability between neurons
"p_third_if_primary": 0.5, # probability of each created neuron-neuron connection to be paired with one astrocyte
"pool_size": 10, # astrocyte pool size for each target neuron
"pool_type": "random", # astrocyte pool will be chosen randomly for each target neuron
"poisson_rate": 2000, # Poisson input rate for neurons
syn_params = {
"w_a2n": 0.05, # weight of astrocyte-to-neuron connection
"w_e": 1.0, # weight of excitatory connection in nS
"w_i": -4.0, # weight of inhibitory connection in nS
"d_e": 2.0, # delay of excitatory connection in ms
"d_i": 1.0, # delay of inhibitory connection in ms
Set astrocyte parameters.
astrocyte_model = "astrocyte_lr_1994"
astrocyte_params = {
"IP3": 0.4, # IP3 initial value in µM
Set neuron parameters.
neuron_model = "aeif_cond_alpha_astro"
tau_syn_ex = 2.0
tau_syn_in = 4.0
neuron_params_ex = {
"tau_syn_ex": tau_syn_ex, # excitatory synaptic time constant in ms
"tau_syn_in": tau_syn_in, # inhibitory synaptic time constant in ms
neuron_params_in = {
"tau_syn_ex": tau_syn_ex, # excitatory synaptic time constant in ms
"tau_syn_in": tau_syn_in, # inhibitory synaptic time constant in ms
This function creates the nodes and build the network. The astrocytes only
respond to excitatory synaptic inputs; therefore, only the excitatory
neuron-neuron connections are paired with the astrocytes. The
function and the tripartite_bernoulli_with_pool
are used to create the connectivity of the network.
def create_astro_network(scale=1.0):
"""Create nodes for a neuron-astrocyte network.
Nodes in a neuron-astrocyte network are created according to the give scale
of the model. The nodes created include excitatory and inhibitory neruons,
astrocytes, and a Poisson generator.
Scale of the model.
Return values
Created nodes and Poisson generator.
print("Creating nodes ...")
assert scale >= 1.0, "scale must be >= 1.0"
nodes_ex = nest.Create(neuron_model, int(network_params["N_ex"] * scale), params=neuron_params_ex)
nodes_in = nest.Create(neuron_model, int(network_params["N_in"] * scale), params=neuron_params_in)
nodes_astro = nest.Create(astrocyte_model, int(network_params["N_astro"] * scale), params=astrocyte_params)
nodes_noise = nest.Create("poisson_generator", params={"rate": network_params["poisson_rate"]})
return nodes_ex, nodes_in, nodes_astro, nodes_noise
def connect_astro_network(nodes_ex, nodes_in, nodes_astro, nodes_noise, scale=1.0):
"""Connect the nodes in a neuron-astrocyte network.
Nodes in a neuron-astrocyte network are connected. The connection
probability between neurons is divided by the given scale to preserve
the expected number of connections for each node. The astrocytes are paired
with excitatory connections only.
Nodes of excitatory neurons.
Nodes of inhibitory neurons.
Nodes of astrocytes.
Poisson generator.
Scale of the model.
print("Connecting Poisson generator ...")
assert scale >= 1.0, "scale must be >= 1.0"
nest.Connect(nodes_noise, nodes_ex + nodes_in, syn_spec={"weight": syn_params["w_e"]})
print("Connecting neurons and astrocytes ...")
# excitatory connections are paired with astrocytes
# conn_spec and syn_spec according to the "tripartite_bernoulli_with_pool" rule
conn_params_e = {"rule": "pairwise_bernoulli", "p": network_params["p_primary"] / scale}
conn_params_astro = {
"rule": "third_factor_bernoulli_with_pool",
"p": network_params[
], # "p_third_if_primary" is scaled along with "p_primary", so no further scaling is required
"pool_size": network_params["pool_size"],
"pool_type": network_params["pool_type"],
syn_params_e = {
"primary": {
"synapse_model": "tsodyks_synapse",
"weight": syn_params["w_e"],
"tau_psc": tau_syn_ex,
"delay": syn_params["d_e"],
"third_in": {
"synapse_model": "tsodyks_synapse",
"weight": syn_params["w_e"],
"tau_psc": tau_syn_ex,
"delay": syn_params["d_e"],
"third_out": {"synapse_model": "sic_connection", "weight": syn_params["w_a2n"]},
nodes_ex + nodes_in,
# inhibitory connections are not paired with astrocytes
conn_params_i = {"rule": "pairwise_bernoulli", "p": network_params["p_primary"] / scale}
syn_params_i = {
"synapse_model": "tsodyks_synapse",
"weight": syn_params["w_i"],
"tau_psc": tau_syn_in,
"delay": syn_params["d_i"],
nest.Connect(nodes_in, nodes_ex + nodes_in, conn_params_i, syn_params_i)
This function plots the dynamics in the astrocytes and their resultant output to the neurons. The IP3 and calcium in the astrocytes and the SIC in neurons are plotted. Means and standard deviations across sampled nodes are indicated by lines and shaded areas, respectively.
def plot_dynamics(astro_data, neuron_data, start):
"""Plot the dynamics in neurons and astrocytes.
The dynamics in the given neuron and astrocyte nodes are plotted. The
dynamics in clude IP3 and calcium in the astrocytes, and the SIC input to
the neurons.
Data of IP3 and calcium dynamics in the astrocytes.
Data of SIC input to the neurons.
Start time of the plotted dynamics.
print("Plotting dynamics ...")
# astrocyte data
astro_mask = astro_data["times"] > start
astro_ip3 = astro_data["IP3"][astro_mask]
astro_cal = astro_data["Ca_astro"][astro_mask]
astro_times = astro_data["times"][astro_mask]
astro_times_set = list(set(astro_times))
ip3_means = np.array([np.mean(astro_ip3[astro_times == t]) for t in astro_times_set])
ip3_sds = np.array([np.std(astro_ip3[astro_times == t]) for t in astro_times_set])
cal_means = np.array([np.mean(astro_cal[astro_times == t]) for t in astro_times_set])
cal_sds = np.array([np.std(astro_cal[astro_times == t]) for t in astro_times_set])
# neuron data
neuron_mask = neuron_data["times"] > start
neuron_sic = neuron_data["I_SIC"][neuron_mask]
neuron_times = neuron_data["times"][neuron_mask]
neuron_times_set = list(set(neuron_times))
sic_means = np.array([np.mean(neuron_sic[neuron_times == t]) for t in neuron_times_set])
sic_sds = np.array([np.std(neuron_sic[neuron_times == t]) for t in neuron_times_set])
# set plots
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True)
color_ip3 = "tab:blue"
color_cal = "tab:green"
color_sic = "tab:purple"
# astrocyte plot
axes[0].set_title(f"{r'IP$_{3}$'} and {r'Ca$^{2+}$'} in astrocytes (n={len(set(astro_data['senders']))})")
axes[0].set_ylabel(r"IP$_{3}$ ($\mu$M)")
axes[0].tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor=color_ip3)
astro_times_set, ip3_means + ip3_sds, ip3_means - ip3_sds, alpha=0.3, linewidth=0.0, color=color_ip3
axes[0].plot(astro_times_set, ip3_means, linewidth=2, color=color_ip3)
ax = axes[0].twinx()
ax.set_ylabel(r"Ca$^{2+}$ ($\mu$M)")
ax.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor=color_cal)
astro_times_set, cal_means + cal_sds, cal_means - cal_sds, alpha=0.3, linewidth=0.0, color=color_cal
ax.plot(astro_times_set, cal_means, linewidth=2, color=color_cal)
# neuron plot
axes[1].set_title(f"SIC in neurons (n={len(set(neuron_data['senders']))})")
axes[1].set_ylabel("SIC (pA)")
axes[1].set_xlabel("Time (ms)")
neuron_times_set, sic_means + sic_sds, sic_means - sic_sds, alpha=0.3, linewidth=0.0, color=color_sic
axes[1].plot(neuron_times_set, sic_means, linewidth=2, color=color_sic)
This is the main function for simulation. The network is created and the neurons and astrocytes are randomly chosen for recording. After simulation, recorded data of neurons and astrocytes are plotted.
def run_simulation():
"""Run simulation of a neuron-astrocyte network."""
# NEST configuration
nest.resolution = sim_params["dt"]
nest.total_num_virtual_procs = sim_params["n_vp"]
nest.print_time = True
nest.overwrite_files = True
# use random seed for reproducible sampling
# simulation settings
sim_time = sim_params["sim_time"]
# create and connect nodes
exc, inh, astro, noise = create_astro_network()
connect_astro_network(exc, inh, astro, noise)
# create and connect recorders (multimeter default resolution = 1 ms)
sr_neuron = nest.Create("spike_recorder")
mm_neuron = nest.Create("multimeter", params={"record_from": ["I_SIC"]})
mm_astro = nest.Create("multimeter", params={"record_from": ["IP3", "Ca_astro"]})
# select nodes randomly and connect them with recorders
print("Connecting recorders ...")
neuron_list = (exc + inh).tolist()
astro_list = astro.tolist()
n_neuron_rec_spk = min(len(neuron_list), sim_params["N_rec_spk"])
n_neuron_rec_mm = min(len(neuron_list), sim_params["N_rec_mm"])
n_astro_rec = min(len(astro), sim_params["N_rec_mm"])
neuron_list_for_sr = neuron_list[: min(len(neuron_list), n_neuron_rec_spk)]
neuron_list_for_mm = sorted(random.sample(neuron_list, n_neuron_rec_mm))
astro_list_for_mm = sorted(random.sample(astro_list, n_astro_rec))
nest.Connect(neuron_list_for_sr, sr_neuron)
nest.Connect(mm_neuron, neuron_list_for_mm)
nest.Connect(mm_astro, astro_list_for_mm)
# run simulation
print("Running simulation ...")
# read out recordings
neuron_data =
astro_data =
# make raster plot
sr_neuron, hist=True, title=f"Raster plot of neuron {neuron_list_for_sr[0]} to {neuron_list_for_sr[-1]}"
# plot dynamics in astrocytes and neurons
plot_dynamics(astro_data, neuron_data, 0.0)
# show plots
Run simulation.