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PyNEST Microcircuit: Simulation ParametersΒΆ
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A dictionary with parameters defining the simulation.
import os
sim_dict = {
# The full simulation time is the sum of a presimulation time and the main
# simulation time.
# presimulation time (in ms)
"t_presim": 500.0,
# simulation time (in ms)
"t_sim": 1000.0,
# resolution of the simulation (in ms)
"sim_resolution": 0.1,
# list of recording devices, default is 'spike_recorder'. A 'voltmeter' can
# be added to record membrane voltages of the neurons. Nothing will be
# recorded if an empty list is given.
"rec_dev": ["spike_recorder"],
# path to save the output data
"data_path": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "data/"),
# Seed for NEST
"rng_seed": 55,
# Number of threads per MPI process
# Note that when you scale up the network, the microcircut model
# may not run correctly if there is < 4 virtual processes
# (i.e., a thread in an MPI process)
# If you have 4 or more MPI processes, then you can set this value to 1.
"local_num_threads": 4,
# recording interval of the membrane potential (in ms)
"rec_V_int": 1.0,
# if True, data will be overwritten,
# if False, a NESTError is raised if the files already exist
"overwrite_files": True,
# print the time progress. This should only be used when the simulation
# is run on a local machine.
"print_time": True,