.. _connection_generator: Connection generator interface ------------------------------ .. admonition:: Availability This connection rule is only available if NEST was compiled with :ref:`support for libneurosim `. To allow the generation of connectivity by means of an external library, NEST supports the connection generator interface [2]_. For more details on this interface, see the git repository of `libneurosim `_. In contrast to the other rules for creating connections, this rule relies on a Connection Generator object to describe the connectivity pattern in a library-specific way. The connection generator is handed to :py:func:`.Connect` under the key ``cg`` of the connection specification dictionary and evaluated internally. If the connection generator provides values for connection weights and delays, their respective indices can be specified under the key ``params_map``. Alternatively, all synapse parameters can be specified using the synapse specification argument to ``Connect()``. The following listing shows an example for using CSA (`Connection Set Algebra `_ [1]_) in NEST via the connection generator interface and randomly connects 10% of the neurons from ``A`` to the neurons in ``B``, each connection having a weight of 10000.0 pA and a delay of 1.0 ms: .. code-block:: python import csa A = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', 100) B = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', 100) # Create the Connection Generator object cg = csa.cset(csa.random(0.1), 10000.0, 1.0) # Map weight and delay indices to values from cg params_map = {'weight': 0, 'delay': 1} conn_spec = {'rule': 'conngen', 'cg': cg, 'params_map': params_map} nest.Connect(A, B, conn_spec) References ---------- .. [1] Djurfeldt M. The Connection-set Algebra—A Novel Formalism for the Representation of Connectivity Structure in Neuronal Network Models. Neuroinformatics. 2012; 10: 287–304. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12021-012-9146-1 .. [2] Djurfeldt M, Davison AP and Eppler JM (2014). Efficient generation of connectivity in neuronal networks from simulator-independent descriptions. Front. Neuroinform. https://doi.org/10.3389/fninf.2014.00043