stdp_synapse_hom – Synapse type for spike-timing dependent plasticity using homogeneous parameters ================================================================================================== Description +++++++++++ ``stdp_synapse_hom`` is a connector to create synapses with spike time dependent plasticity (as defined in [1]_). Here the weight dependence exponent can be set separately for potentiation and depression. Parameters controlling plasticity are identical for all synapses of the model, reducing the memory required per synapse considerably. Examples: * multiplicative STDP [2]_ mu_plus = mu_minus = 1.0 * additive STDP [3]_ mu_plus = mu_minus = 0.0 * Guetig STDP [1]_ mu_plus = mu_minus = [0.0,1.0] * van Rossum STDP [4]_ mu_plus = 0.0 mu_minus = 1.0 .. warning:: This synaptic plasticity rule does not take :ref:`precise spike timing ` into account. When calculating the weight update, the precise spike time part of the timestamp is ignored. Parameters ++++++++++ ========= ======= ====================================================== tau_plus ms Time constant of STDP window, potentiation (tau_minus defined in postsynaptic neuron) lambda real Step size alpha real Asymmetry parameter (scales depressing increments as alpha*lambda) mu_plus real Weight dependence exponent, potentiation mu_minus real Weight dependence exponent, depression Wmax real Maximum allowed weight ========= ======= ====================================================== The parameters are common to all synapses of the model and must be set using SetDefaults on the synapse model. Transmits +++++++++ SpikeEvent References ++++++++++ .. [1] Guetig et al. (2003). Learning input correlations through nonlinear temporally asymmetric hebbian plasticity. Journal of Neuroscience, 23:3697-3714 DOI: .. [2] Rubin J, Lee D, Sompolinsky H (2001). Equilibrium properties of temporally asymmetric Hebbian plasticity. Physical Review Letters, 86:364-367. DOI: .. [3] Song S, Miller KD, Abbott LF (2000). Competitive Hebbian learning through spike-timing-dependent synaptic plasticity. Nature Neuroscience 3(9):919-926. DOI: .. [4] van Rossum MCW, Bi G-Q, Turrigiano GG (2000). Stable Hebbian learning from spike timing-dependent plasticity. Journal of Neuroscience, 20(23):8812-8821. DOI: See also ++++++++ tsodyks_synapse, static_synapse Examples using this model +++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. listexamples:: stdp_synapse_hom