spike_recorder – Collecting spikes from neurons =============================================== Description +++++++++++ The most universal collector device is the ``spike_recorder``, which collects and records all *spikes* it receives from neurons that are connected to it. Each spike received by the spike recorder is immediately handed over to the selected recording backend for further processing. Any node from which spikes are to be recorded, must be connected to the spike recorder using the standard ``Connect`` command. The connection ``weights`` and ``delays`` are ignored by the spike recorder, which means that the spike recorder records the time of spike creation rather than that of their arrival. :: >>> neurons = nest.Create("iaf_psc_alpha", 5) >>> sr = nest.Create("spike_recorder", params={"record_to":"memory", "time_in_steps": False}) >>> nest.Connect(neurons, sr) Note the call to ``Connect`` will fail if the connection direction is reversed (i.e., connecting *sr* to *neurons*). .. include:: ../models/recording_device.rst See also ++++++++ Examples using this model +++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. listexamples:: spike_recorder