sinusoidal_gamma_generator – Generates sinusoidally modulated gamma spike trains ================================================================================ Description +++++++++++ ``sinusoidal_gamma_generator`` generates sinusoidally modulated gamma spike trains. By default, each target of the generator will receive a different spike train. The instantaneous rate of the process is given by .. math:: f(t) = \mathrm{rate} + \mathrm{amplitude} \cdot \sin \left( 2 \pi \cdot \mathrm{frequency} \cdot t + \mathrm{phase} \cdot \frac{\pi}{180} \right) .. note:: - The gamma generator requires :math:`0 \leq \mathrm{amplitude} \leq \mathrm{rate}`. - The state of the generator is reset on calibration. - The generator does not support precise spike timing. - You can use the multimeter to sample the rate of the generator. - The generator will create different trains if run at different temporal resolutions. By default, the generator sends a different spike train to each of its targets. If ``individual_spike_trains`` is set to ``False`` using either :py:func:`.SetDefaults` or :py:func:`.CopyModel` before a generator node is created, the generator will send the same spike train to all of its targets. .. include:: ../models/stimulation_device.rst rate Mean firing rate in spikes/second. Default: ``0.0``. amplitude Firing rate modulation amplitude in spikes/second. Default: ``0.0``. frequency Modulation frequency in Hz. Default: ``0.0``. phase Modulation phase in degree [0-360]. Default: ``0.0``. order Gamma order (>= 1). Default: ``1``. individual_spike_trains See note above. Default: ``True``. See also [1]_. Setting parameters from a stimulation backend ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The parameters in this stimulation device can be updated with input coming from a stimulation backend. The data structure used for the update holds one value for each of the parameters mentioned above. The indexing is as follows: 0. frequency 1. phase 2. order 3. rate 4. amplitude 5. individual_spike_trains Receives ++++++++ DataLoggingRequest Sends +++++ SpikeEvent References ++++++++++ .. [1] Barbieri et al. (2001). Construction and analysis of non-Poisson stimulus-response models of neural spiking activity. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 105:25-3. DOI: See also ++++++++ sinusoidal_poisson_generator, gamma_sup_generator Examples using this model +++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. listexamples:: sinusoidal_gamma_generator