jonke_synapse – Synapse type for spike-timing dependent plasticity with additional additive factors. ==================================================================================================== Description +++++++++++ jonke_synapse is a connector to create synapses with spike time dependent plasticity. Unlike ``stdp_synapse``, we use the update equations: .. math:: \Delta w &= \lambda \cdot w_{max} \cdot (K_+(w) \cdot F_+(t) - \beta) & \quad if t - t_j^(k) > 0 \\ \Delta w &= \lambda \cdot w_{max} \cdot (-alpha \cdot K_-(w) \cdot F_-(t) - \beta) & \quad else where .. math:: K_+(w) &= \exp(\nu_+ w) \\ K_-(w) &= \exp(\nu_- w) and .. math:: F_+(t) &= \exp((t - t_j^(k))/\tau_+) \\ F_-(t) &= \exp((t - t_j^(k))/\tau_-) This makes it possible to implement update rules which approximate the rule stated in [1]_, and for examples, the rules given in [2]_ and [3]_. .. warning:: This synaptic plasticity rule does not take :ref:`precise spike timing ` into account. When calculating the weight update, the precise spike time part of the timestamp is ignored. Parameters ++++++++++ ========== ======== ====================================================== lambda double Step size Wmax double Maximum allowed weight, note that this scales each weight update alpha double Determine shape of depression term mu_plus double Set weight dependency of facilitating update mu_minus double Set weight dependency of depressing update tau_plus double Time constant of STDP window, potentiation in ms beta double Set negative offset for both updates ========== ======== ====================================================== (tau_minus is defined in the postsynaptic neuron.) Transmits +++++++++ SpikeEvent References ++++++++++ .. [1] Nessler, Bernhard, et al. "Bayesian computation emerges in generic cortical microcircuits through spike-timing-dependent plasticity." PLoS computational biology 9.4 (2013): e1003037. .. [2] Legenstein, Robert, et al. "Assembly pointers for variable binding in networks of spiking neurons." arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.03698 (2016). .. [3] Jonke, Zeno, et al. "Feedback inhibition shapes emergent computational properties of cortical microcircuit motifs." arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.07614 (2017). See also ++++++++ synapsedict, stdp_synapse Examples using this model +++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. listexamples:: jonke_synapse