ht_synapse – Synapse with depression after Hill & Tononi (2005) =============================================================== Description +++++++++++ This synapse implements the depression model described in [1]_, p 1678. Synaptic dynamics are given by .. math:: P'(t) = ( 1 - P ) / \tau_P \\ P(T+) = (1 - \delta_P) P(T-) \text{ for T : time of a spike } \\ P(t=0) = 1 :math:`w(t) = w_{max} \cdot P(t)` is the resulting synaptic weight For implementation details see: `HillTononi_model <../model_details/HillTononiModels.ipynb>`_ .. warning:: This synaptic plasticity rule does not take :ref:`precise spike timing ` into account. When calculating the weight update, the precise spike time part of the timestamp is ignored. Parameters ++++++++++ The following parameters can be set in the status dictionary: ======== ====== ========================================================= tau_P ms Synaptic vesicle pool recovery time constant delta_P real Fractional change in vesicle pool on incoming spikes (unitless) P real Current size of the vesicle pool [unitless, 0 <= P <= 1] ======== ====== ========================================================= References ++++++++++ .. [1] Hill S, Tononi G (2005). Modeling sleep and wakefulness in the thalamocortical system. Journal of Neurophysiology. 93:1671-1698. DOI: Transmits +++++++++ SpikeEvent See also ++++++++ ht_neuron, tsodyks_synapse, stdp_synapse, static_synapse Examples using this model +++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. listexamples:: ht_synapse