glif_psc_double_alpha – Current-based generalized leaky integrate-and-fire (GLIF) models with double alpha-function (from the Allen Institute) ============================================================================================================================================== Description +++++++++++ ``glif_psc_double_alpha`` provides five generalized leaky integrate-and-fire (GLIF) models [1]_ with double alpha-function shaped synaptic currents. Incoming spike events induce a postsynaptic change of current modeled by the sum of two alpha functions (fast and slow components) for each receptor [2]_. This function is normalized such that an event of weight 1.0 results in a peak current of the fast component of the alpha function to be 1 pA at :math:`t = \tau_\text{syn, fast}`. The relative peak current of the slow component is given as ``amp_slow``, at :math:`t = \tau_\text{syn, slow}`. Namely, .. math:: I_\text{syn} = \text{alpha_function} \left( \tau_\text{syn} = \tau_\text{syn, fast} \right) + \text{amp_slow} \cdot \text{alpha_function} \left( \tau_\text{syn} = \tau_\text{syn, slow} \right). Therefore if ``amp_slow`` is not 0, the peak current of the total synaptic current is larger than the specified weight. By default, ``glif_psc_double_alpha`` has a single synapse that is accessible through ``receptor_port`` 1. An arbitrary number of synapses with different time constants and ``amp_slow`` can be configured by setting the desired parameters of ``tau_syn_fast``, ``tau_syn_slow``, and ``amp_slow`` arrays. The resulting synapses are addressed through ``receptor_port`` 1, 2, 3, .... The five GLIF models are: * **GLIF Model 1** - Traditional leaky integrate and fire (LIF) * **GLIF Model 2** - Leaky integrate and fire with biologically defined reset rules (LIF_R) * **GLIF Model 3** - Leaky integrate and fire with after-spike currents (LIF_ASC) * **GLIF Model 4** - Leaky integrate and fire with biologically defined reset rules and after-spike currents (LIF_R_ASC) * **GLIF Model 5** - Leaky integrate and fire with biologically defined reset rules, after-spike currents and a voltage dependent threshold (LIF_R_ASC_A) GLIF model mechanism setting is based on three parameters (``spike_dependent_threshold``, ``after_spike_currents``, ``adapting_threshold``). The settings of these three parameters for the five GLIF models are listed below. Other combinations of these parameters will not be supported. +--------+---------------------------+----------------------+--------------------+ | Model | spike_dependent_threshold | after_spike_currents | adapting_threshold | +========+===========================+======================+====================+ | GLIF1 | False | False | False | +--------+---------------------------+----------------------+--------------------+ | GLIF2 | True | False | False | +--------+---------------------------+----------------------+--------------------+ | GLIF3 | False | True | False | +--------+---------------------------+----------------------+--------------------+ | GLIF4 | True | True | False | +--------+---------------------------+----------------------+--------------------+ | GLIF5 | True | True | True | +--------+---------------------------+----------------------+--------------------+ Typical parameter setting of different levels of GLIF models for different cells can be found and downloaded in the `Allen Cell Type Database `_. For example, the default parameter setting of this ``glif_psc_double_alpha`` neuron model was from the parameter values of GLIF Model 5 of Cell 490626718, which can be retrieved from the `Allen Brain Atlas `_, with units being converted from SI units (i.e., V, S (1/Ohm), F, s, A) to NEST used units (i.e., mV, nS (1/GOhm), pF, ms, pA) and values being rounded to appropriate digits for simplification. For models with spike dependent threshold (i.e., GLIF2, GLIF4 and GLIF5), parameter setting of ``voltage_reset_fraction`` and ``voltage_reset_add`` may lead to the situation that voltage is bigger than threshold after reset. In this case, the neuron will continue to spike until the end of the simulation regardless the stimulated inputs. We recommend the setting of the parameters of these three models to follow the condition of .. math:: E_L + \mathrm{voltage\_reset\_fraction} \cdot \left( V_\mathrm{th} - E_L \right) + \mathrm{voltage\_reset\_add} < V_\mathrm{th} + \mathrm{th\_spike\_add} .. note:: If ``tau_m`` is very close to ``tau_syn_ex`` or ``tau_syn_in``, the model will numerically behave as if ``tau_m`` is equal to ``tau_syn_ex`` or ``tau_syn_in``, respectively, to avoid numerical instabilities. For implementation details see the `IAF Integration Singularity <../model_details/IAF_Integration_Singularity.ipynb>`_ notebook. Parameters ++++++++++ The following parameters can be set in the status dictionary. ========= ======== ============================================================ **Membrane parameters** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V_m double Membrane potential in mV (absolute value) V_th double Instantaneous threshold in mV g double Membrane conductance in nS E_L double Resting membrane potential in mV C_m double Capacitance of the membrane in pF t_ref double Duration of refractory time in ms V_reset double Reset potential of the membrane in mV (GLIF 1 or GLIF 3) ========= ======== ============================================================ ========================= =============== ===================================== **Spike adaptation and firing intensity parameters** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- th_spike_add double Threshold addition following spike in mV (delta_theta_s in Equation (6) in [1]_) th_spike_decay double Spike-induced threshold time constant in 1/ms (bs in Equation (2) in [1]_) voltage_reset_fraction double Voltage fraction coefficient following spike (fv in Equation (5) in [1]_) voltage_reset_add double Voltage addition following spike in mV (-delta_V (sign flipped) in Equation (5) in [1]_) asc_init double vector Initial values of after-spike currents in pA asc_decay double vector After-spike current time constants in 1/ms (kj in Equation (3) in [1]_) asc_amps double vector After-spike current amplitudes in pA (deltaIj in Equation (7) in [1]_) asc_r double vector Current fraction following spike coefficients for fj in Equation (7) in [1]_ th_voltage_index double Adaptation index of threshold - A 'leak-conductance' for the voltage-dependent component of the threshold in 1/ms (av in Equation (4) in [1]_) th_voltage_decay double Voltage-induced threshold time constant - Inverse of which is the time constant of the voltage-dependent component of the threshold in 1/ms (bv in Equation (4) in [1]_) tau_syn_fast double vector Time constants of the faster synaptic alpha function in ms tau_syn_slow double vector Time constants of the slower synaptic alpha function in ms amp_slow double vector Relative amplitude of the slower synaptic alpha function E_rev double vector Reversal potential in mV spike_dependent_threshold bool flag whether the neuron has biologically defined reset rules with a spike dependent threshold component after_spike_currents bool flag whether the neuron has after spike currents adapting_threshold bool flag whether the neuron has a voltage dependent threshold component ========================= =============== ===================================== References ++++++++++ .. [1] Teeter C, Iyer R, Menon V, Gouwens N, Feng D, Berg J, Szafer A, Cain N, Zeng H, Hawrylycz M, Koch C, & Mihalas S (2018) Generalized leaky integrate-and-fire models classify multiple neuron types. Nature Communications 9:709. .. [2] Meffin, H., Burkitt, A. N., & Grayden, D. B. (2004). An analytical model for the large, fluctuating synaptic conductance state typical of neocortical neurons in vivo. J. Comput. Neurosci., 16, 159-175. See also ++++++++ gif_psc_exp_multisynapse, gif_cond_exp, gif_cond_exp_multisynapse, gif_pop_psc_exp, glif_psc Examples using this model +++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. listexamples:: glif_psc_double_alpha