.. _user_install: User install instructions ========================= Cross-platform options ----------------------- Docker |linux| |macos| |windows| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :ref:`See our docker installation instructions `. conda-forge install |linux| |macos| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can install NEST with the :ref:`Conda forge package `. Live media |linux| |macos| |windows| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We have live media (.ova) if you want to run NEST in a virtual machine. :ref:`Download the live media here `, and follow the :doc:`instructions to set up the virtual machine ` . ------------- Linux |linux| ------------- .. _ubuntu_install: Ubuntu ~~~~~~ Ubuntu users can install NEST via the PPA repository. 1. Add the PPA repository for NEST and update apt: .. code-block:: bash sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nest-simulator/nest sudo apt-get update 2. Install NEST: .. code-block:: bash sudo apt-get install nest Or install NEST with `NESTML `_ .. code-block:: bash sudo apt install nest python3-nestml python3 -m pip install --upgrade odetoolbox pygsl antlr4-python3-runtime==4.10 3. Set the environment .. code-block:: bash source /usr/bin/nest_vars.sh -------- .. _macos_install: macOS |macos| ------------- 1. `Install Homebrew `_. 2. Install NEST via: .. code-block:: bash brew install nest -------- .. _windows_install: Options for Windows users |windows| ------------------------------------ Please note that NEST does not officially support Windows. Members of our community have had success using NEST on Windows with the `Windows Subsystem for Linux `_. You can also try our :ref:`docker container `. .. |linux| image:: ../static/img/linux.png :class: no-scaled-link :scale: 7% .. |macos| image:: ../static/img/macos.png :class: no-scaled-link :scale: 7% .. |windows| image:: ../static/img/windows.png :class: no-scaled-link :scale: 7%