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LINE NUMBERS ARE GIVEN BELOW. .. only:: html .. note:: :class: sphx-glr-download-link-note :ref:`Go to the end ` to download the full example code. .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-example-title .. _sphx_glr_auto_examples_pong_networks.py: Classes to encapsulate the neuronal networks. ---------------------------------------------------------------- .. only:: html ---- Run this example as a Jupyter notebook: .. card:: :width: 25% :margin: 2 :text-align: center :link: https://lab.ebrains.eu/hub/user-redirect/git-pull?repo=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fnest%2Fnest-simulator-examples&urlpath=lab%2Ftree%2Fnest-simulator-examples%2Fnotebooks%2Fnotebooks%2Fpong%2Fnetworks.ipynb&branch=main :link-alt: JupyterHub service .. image:: https://nest-simulator.org/TryItOnEBRAINS.png .. grid:: 1 1 1 1 :padding: 0 0 2 0 .. grid-item:: :class: sd-text-muted :margin: 0 0 3 0 :padding: 0 0 3 0 :columns: 4 See :ref:`our guide ` for more information and troubleshooting. ---- Two types of network capable of playing pong are implemented. PongNetRSTDP can solve the problem by updating the weights of static synapses after every simulation step according to the R-STDP rules defined in [1]_. PongNetDopa uses the actor-critic model described in [2]_ to determine the amount of reward to send to the dopaminergic synapses between input and motor neurons. In this framework, the motor neurons represent the actor, while a secondary network of three populations (termed striatum, VP, and dopaminergic neurons) form the critic which modulates dopamine concentration based on temporal difference error. Both of them inherit some functionality from the abstract base class PongNet. See Also --------- `Original implementation `_ References ---------- .. [1] Wunderlich T., et al (2019). Demonstrating advantages of neuromorphic computation: a pilot study. Frontiers in neuroscience, 13, 260. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2019.00260 .. [2] Potjans W., Diesmann M. and Morrison A. (2011). An imperfect dopaminergic error signal can drive temporal-difference learning. PLoS Computational Biology, 7(5), e1001133. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1001133 :Authors: J Gille, T Wunderlich, Electronic Vision(s) .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 54-459 .. code-block:: Python import logging from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from copy import copy import nest import numpy as np # Simulation time per iteration in milliseconds. POLL_TIME = 200 # Number of spikes in an input spiketrain per iteration. N_INPUT_SPIKES = 20 # Inter-spike interval of the input spiketrain. ISI = 10.0 # Standard deviation of Gaussian current noise in picoampere. BG_STD = 220.0 # Reward to be applied depending on distance to target neuron. REWARDS_DICT = {0: 1.0, 1: 0.7, 2: 0.4, 3: 0.1} class PongNet(ABC): def __init__(self, apply_noise=True, num_neurons=20): """Abstract base class for network wrappers that learn to play pong. Parts of the network that are required for both types of inheriting class are created here. Namely, spike_generators and their connected parrot_neurons, which serve as input, as well as iaf_psc_exp neurons and their corresponding spike_recorders which serve as output. The connection between input and output is not established here because it is dependent on the plasticity rule used. Args: num_neurons (int, optional): Number of neurons in both the input and output layer. Changes here need to be matched in the game simulation in pong.py. Defaults to 20. apply_noise (bool, optional): If True, Poisson noise is applied to the motor neurons of the network. Defaults to True. """ self.apply_noise = apply_noise self.num_neurons = num_neurons self.weight_history = [] self.mean_reward = np.array([0.0 for _ in range(self.num_neurons)]) self.mean_reward_history = [] self.winning_neuron = 0 self.input_generators = nest.Create("spike_generator", self.num_neurons) self.input_neurons = nest.Create("parrot_neuron", self.num_neurons) nest.Connect(self.input_generators, self.input_neurons, {"rule": "one_to_one"}) self.motor_neurons = nest.Create("iaf_psc_exp", self.num_neurons) self.spike_recorders = nest.Create("spike_recorder", self.num_neurons) nest.Connect(self.motor_neurons, self.spike_recorders, {"rule": "one_to_one"}) def get_all_weights(self): """Returns all synaptic weights between input and motor neurons. Returns: numpy.array: 2D array of shape (n_neurons, n_neurons). Input neurons are on the first axis, motor neurons on the second axis. """ x_offset = self.input_neurons[0].get("global_id") y_offset = self.motor_neurons[0].get("global_id") weight_matrix = np.zeros((self.num_neurons, self.num_neurons)) conns = nest.GetConnections(self.input_neurons, self.motor_neurons) for conn in conns: source, target, weight = conn.get(["source", "target", "weight"]).values() weight_matrix[source - x_offset, target - y_offset] = weight return weight_matrix def set_all_weights(self, weights): """Sets synaptic weights between input and motor neurons of the network. Args: weights (numpy.array): 2D array of shape (n_neurons, n_neurons). Input neurons are on the first axis, motor neurons on the second axis. See get_all_weights(). """ for i in range(self.num_neurons): for j in range(self.num_neurons): connection = nest.GetConnections(self.input_neurons[i], self.motor_neurons[j]) connection.set({"weight": weights[i, j]}) def get_spike_counts(self): """Returns the spike counts of all motor neurons from the spike_recorders. Returns: numpy.array: Array of spike counts of all motor neurons. """ events = self.spike_recorders.get("n_events") return np.array(events) def reset(self): """Resets the network for a new iteration by clearing all spike recorders. """ self.spike_recorders.set({"n_events": 0}) def set_input_spiketrain(self, input_cell, biological_time): """Sets a spike train to the input neuron specified by an index. Args: input_cell (int): Index of the input neuron to be stimulated. biological_time (float): Current biological time within the NEST simulator (in ms). """ self.target_index = input_cell self.input_train = [biological_time + self.input_t_offset + i * ISI for i in range(N_INPUT_SPIKES)] # Round spike timings to 0.1ms to avoid conflicts with simulation time self.input_train = [np.round(x, 1) for x in self.input_train] # clear all input generators for input_neuron in range(self.num_neurons): nest.SetStatus(self.input_generators[input_neuron], {"spike_times": []}) nest.SetStatus(self.input_generators[input_cell], {"spike_times": self.input_train}) def get_max_activation(self): """Finds the motor neuron with the highest activation (number of spikes). Returns: int: Index of the motor neuron with the highest activation. """ spikes = self.get_spike_counts() logging.debug(f"Got spike counts: {spikes}") # If multiple neurons have the same activation, one is chosen at random return int(np.random.choice(np.flatnonzero(spikes == spikes.max()))) def calculate_reward(self): """Calculates the reward to be applied to the network based on performance in the previous simulation (distance between target and actual output). For R-STDP this reward informs the learning rule, for dopaminergic plasticity this is just a metric of fitness used for plotting the simulation. Returns: float: Reward between 0 and 1. """ self.winning_neuron = self.get_max_activation() distance = np.abs(self.winning_neuron - self.target_index) if distance in REWARDS_DICT: bare_reward = REWARDS_DICT[distance] else: bare_reward = 0 reward = bare_reward - self.mean_reward[self.target_index] self.mean_reward[self.target_index] = float(self.mean_reward[self.target_index] + reward / 2.0) logging.debug(f"Applying reward: {reward}") logging.debug(f"Average reward across all neurons: {np.mean(self.mean_reward)}") self.weight_history.append(self.get_all_weights()) self.mean_reward_history.append(copy(self.mean_reward)) return reward def get_performance_data(self): """Retrieves the performance data of the network across all simulations. Returns: tuple: A Tuple of 2 numpy.arrays containing reward history and weight history. """ return self.mean_reward_history, self.weight_history @abstractmethod def apply_synaptic_plasticity(self, biological_time): """Applies weight changes to the synapses according to a given learning rule. Args: biological_time (float): Current NEST simulation time in ms. """ pass class PongNetDopa(PongNet): # Base reward current that is applied regardless of performance baseline_reward = 100.0 # Maximum reward current to be applied to the dopaminergic neurons max_reward = 1000 # Constant scaling factor for determining the current to be applied to the # dopaminergic neurons dopa_signal_factor = 4800 # Offset for input spikes at every iteration in milliseconds. This offset # reserves the first part of every simulation step for the application of # the dopaminergic reward signal, avoiding interference between it and the # spikes caused by the input of the following iteration input_t_offset = 32 # Neuron and synapse parameters: # Initial mean weight for synapses between input- and motor neurons mean_weight = 1275.0 # Standard deviation for starting weights weight_std = 8 # Number of neurons per population in the critic-network n_critic = 8 # Synaptic weights from striatum and VP to the dopaminergic neurons w_da = -1150 # Synaptic weight between striatum and VP w_str_vp = -250 # Synaptic delay for the direct connection between striatum and # dopaminergic neurons d_dir = 200 # Rate (spks/s) for the background poisson generators poisson_rate = 15 def __init__(self, apply_noise=True, num_neurons=20): super().__init__(apply_noise, num_neurons) self.vt = nest.Create("volume_transmitter") nest.SetDefaults( "stdp_dopamine_synapse", { "vt": self.vt, "tau_c": 70, "tau_n": 30, "tau_plus": 45, "Wmin": 1220, "Wmax": 1550, "b": 0.028, "A_plus": 0.85, }, ) if apply_noise: nest.Connect( self.input_neurons, self.motor_neurons, {"rule": "all_to_all"}, { "synapse_model": "stdp_dopamine_synapse", "weight": nest.random.normal(self.mean_weight, self.weight_std), }, ) self.poisson_noise = nest.Create("poisson_generator", self.num_neurons, params={"rate": self.poisson_rate}) nest.Connect(self.poisson_noise, self.motor_neurons, {"rule": "one_to_one"}, {"weight": self.mean_weight}) else: # Because the poisson_generators cause additional spikes in the # motor neurons, it is necessary to compensate for their absence by # slightly increasing the mean of the weights between input and # motor neurons nest.SetDefaults("stdp_dopamine_synapse", {"Wmax": 1750}) nest.Connect( self.input_neurons, self.motor_neurons, {"rule": "all_to_all"}, { "synapse_model": "stdp_dopamine_synapse", "weight": nest.random.normal(self.mean_weight * 1.3, self.weight_std), }, ) # Setup the 'critic' as a network of three populations, consisting of # the striatum, ventral pallidum (vp) and dopaminergic neurons (dopa) self.striatum = nest.Create("iaf_psc_exp", self.n_critic) nest.Connect( self.input_neurons, self.striatum, {"rule": "all_to_all"}, {"synapse_model": "stdp_dopamine_synapse", "weight": nest.random.normal(self.mean_weight, self.weight_std)}, ) self.vp = nest.Create("iaf_psc_exp", self.n_critic) nest.Connect(self.striatum, self.vp, syn_spec={"weight": self.w_str_vp}) self.dopa = nest.Create("iaf_psc_exp", self.n_critic) nest.Connect(self.vp, self.dopa, syn_spec={"weight": self.w_da}) nest.Connect(self.striatum, self.dopa, syn_spec={"weight": self.w_da, "delay": self.d_dir}) nest.Connect(self.dopa, self.vt) # Current generator to stimulate dopaminergic neurons based on # network performance self.dopa_current = nest.Create("dc_generator") nest.Connect(self.dopa_current, self.dopa) def apply_synaptic_plasticity(self, biological_time): """Injects a current into the dopaminergic neurons based on how much of the motor neurons' activity stems from the target output neuron. """ spike_counts = self.get_spike_counts() target_n_spikes = spike_counts[self.target_index] # avoid zero division if none of the neurons fired. total_n_spikes = max(sum(spike_counts), 1) reward_current = self.dopa_signal_factor * target_n_spikes / total_n_spikes + self.baseline_reward # Clip the dopaminergic signal to avoid runaway synaptic weights reward_current = min(reward_current, self.max_reward) self.dopa_current.stop = biological_time + self.input_t_offset self.dopa_current.start = biological_time self.dopa_current.amplitude = reward_current self.calculate_reward() def __repr__(self) -> str: return ("noisy " if self.apply_noise else "clean ") + "TD" class PongNetRSTDP(PongNet): # Offset for input spikes in every iteration in milliseconds input_t_offset = 1 # Learning rate to use in weight updates learning_rate = 0.7 # Amplitude of STDP curve in arbitrary units stdp_amplitude = 36.0 # Time constant of STDP curve in milliseconds stdp_tau = 64.0 # Satuation value for accumulated STDP stdp_saturation = 128 # Initial mean weight for synapses between input- and motor neurons mean_weight = 1300.0 def __init__(self, apply_noise=True, num_neurons=20): super().__init__(apply_noise, num_neurons) if apply_noise: self.background_generator = nest.Create("noise_generator", self.num_neurons, params={"std": BG_STD}) nest.Connect(self.background_generator, self.motor_neurons, {"rule": "one_to_one"}) nest.Connect( self.input_neurons, self.motor_neurons, {"rule": "all_to_all"}, {"weight": nest.random.normal(self.mean_weight, 1)}, ) else: # Because the noise_generators cause additional spikes in the motor # neurons, it is necessary to compensate for their absence by # slightly increasing the mean of the weights between input and # motor neurons nest.Connect( self.input_neurons, self.motor_neurons, {"rule": "all_to_all"}, {"weight": nest.random.normal(self.mean_weight * 1.22, 5)}, ) def apply_synaptic_plasticity(self, biological_time): """Rewards network based on how close target and winning neuron are.""" reward = self.calculate_reward() self.apply_rstdp(reward) def apply_rstdp(self, reward): """Applies the previously calculated reward to all relevant synapses according to R-STDP principle. Args: reward (float): reward to be passed on to the synapses. """ # Store spike timings of all motor neurons post_events = {} offset = self.motor_neurons[0].get("global_id") for index, event in enumerate(self.spike_recorders.get("events")): post_events[offset + index] = event["times"] # Iterate over all connections from the stimulated neuron and change # their weights dependent on spike time correlation and reward for connection in nest.GetConnections(self.input_neurons[self.target_index]): motor_neuron = connection.get("target") motor_spikes = post_events[motor_neuron] correlation = self.calculate_stdp(self.input_train, motor_spikes) old_weight = connection.get("weight") new_weight = old_weight + self.learning_rate * correlation * reward connection.set({"weight": new_weight}) def calculate_stdp(self, pre_spikes, post_spikes, only_causal=True, next_neighbor=True): """Calculates the STDP trace for given spike trains. Args: pre_spikes (list, numpy.array): Presynaptic spike times in ms. post_spikes (list, numpy.array): Postsynaptic spike times in ms. only_causal (bool, optional): Use only facilitation and not depression. Defaults to True. next_neighbor (bool, optional): Use only next-neighbor coincidences. Defaults to True. Returns: [float]: Scalar that corresponds to accumulated STDP trace. """ pre_spikes, post_spikes = np.sort(pre_spikes), np.sort(post_spikes) facilitation = 0 depression = 0 positions = np.searchsorted(pre_spikes, post_spikes) last_position = -1 for spike, position in zip(post_spikes, positions): if position == last_position and next_neighbor: continue # Only next-neighbor pairs if position > 0: before_spike = pre_spikes[position - 1] facilitation += self.stdp_amplitude * np.exp(-(spike - before_spike) / self.stdp_tau) if position < len(pre_spikes): after_spike = pre_spikes[position] depression += self.stdp_amplitude * np.exp(-(after_spike - spike) / self.stdp_tau) last_position = position if only_causal: return min(facilitation, self.stdp_saturation) else: return min(facilitation - depression, self.stdp_saturation) def __repr__(self) -> str: return ("noisy " if self.apply_noise else "clean ") + "R-STDP" .. _sphx_glr_download_auto_examples_pong_networks.py: .. only:: html .. container:: sphx-glr-footer sphx-glr-footer-example .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-jupyter :download:`Download Jupyter notebook: networks.ipynb ` .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-python :download:`Download Python source code: networks.py ` .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-zip :download:`Download zipped: networks.zip ` .. only:: html .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-signature `Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery `_